Tuesday, November 18, 2008

heartburn ohhhhhhhhhh

hello world,

Today I have heartburn. It could be from eating those stray mice or catching some nasty bugs. ughhh, I don't like having heartburn. I wish that dog had it instead of me. Meow wow. Any way it is a cold November day and I had a rough night with Suni. He kept jumping on me. It was so annoying. Doesn't he know that cats do not like dogs! When will he get it? Everytime I see Suni my stomach turns. He is not a cool cat like me. I am beautiful. He is yucky and smelly. I think the owners should spray some perfume on him. As for current events in my life, I am spending the day outside in the cold to stay away from that dog. It is cold but peacful. Sometimes I wish I was human. I would dress up in those things called clothes and put on a nice pair of high heels. Then I would pick up Suni and kick him out of the house. (dream, dream, dream)

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