Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dog steals my Stash!!!!Flim@11


I am angry. Dumb dumb dog found one of my dead friends. I can't believe it. That dog even had the nerve to try to eat Mr. Dead mouse. Well he would have gotten a nasty surprise. A mouth filled with slimy maggots. Mr. dead mouse was two weeks old. He had to be worth a lot to a special collector. That's it! I will sell my stash on Ebay. There must be someone out there who will give me money for dead animal bodies. You see I tried to get into the bank yesterday. I couldn't get through the front door. A man dressed in a uniform kept throwing me into the parking lot saying "good kitty, now get out". I wanted to scratch his !!@##!##! off, but I just took my stash of dead birds and mice and walked home. I was very disappointed. Banks are not very nice. All I want is some money to buy a car. I want a car to run over that dumb dog. Is that too much to ask. Ohh well, I guess I will try Ebay. Bye for now.


Anonymous said...

Hey cat! Stop killing all of my friends!

Mickey Mouse.

Anonymous said...

you are going to get worms from eating mice.