Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dog steals my Stash!!!!Flim@11


I am angry. Dumb dumb dog found one of my dead friends. I can't believe it. That dog even had the nerve to try to eat Mr. Dead mouse. Well he would have gotten a nasty surprise. A mouth filled with slimy maggots. Mr. dead mouse was two weeks old. He had to be worth a lot to a special collector. That's it! I will sell my stash on Ebay. There must be someone out there who will give me money for dead animal bodies. You see I tried to get into the bank yesterday. I couldn't get through the front door. A man dressed in a uniform kept throwing me into the parking lot saying "good kitty, now get out". I wanted to scratch his !!@##!##! off, but I just took my stash of dead birds and mice and walked home. I was very disappointed. Banks are not very nice. All I want is some money to buy a car. I want a car to run over that dumb dog. Is that too much to ask. Ohh well, I guess I will try Ebay. Bye for now.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Another One Bites The Dust!!!!!!

Hello World

Today I went for a early morning hunt. I caught a mouse!!!! yipeee. He was very fast and gave me a run for my money, but I was quite persistent. So let's see, I killed one bird and one mouse,I think it's time to cash in or invest savings account. These dead bodies are starting to smell. I have decided to go to a bank and try to get some money or a line of credit for my new car. I'm not sure how finance works so I will check out some of those online banks and do my home work. I'm thinking about auto loan or a home equity line of credit,(on my owners house) to pay for my new kitty car. I am so excited. I think I'll also use some of my loan money to buy boots and a new litter box. My litter box is filled with poop because my owners don't clean it. I wonder if I can hire a personal injury attorney and sue my owners for a dirty litter box??????

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Time to Drive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello World,

This morning I did something quite nasty. In the early hours I broke into the neighbors car and took a joy ride. HA HA HA. I wanted to practice my driving skills. I drove around the block. Ha Ha Meow. No one saw me. I had my friend Cuddles snap this picture as proof!!!!! I don't care about auto insurance because It's not my car!!!! If anyone gets hurt they can get a lawyer and take me to court. HAAAAAAAAAAAA On a sad note, I think I killed a pigeon trying to cross the road. Well may be he is still alive I don't know. He can get a personal injury attorney and sue my neighbors. MEow WOOOOOW. Watch out Suni I going to get you!!! You can run but you can't hid. Dumb Dog!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

I didn't think of auto insurance!

Hello world,

I just finished reading Suni the poodles blog. He is such a dope. I want to finance my car with bird and mice bodies. Then run him over. I didn't think I needed automoble insurance. What is automoble insurance? Can I just drive my car without it? I guess I have to find auto insurance online for more information. That dope dog thinks I want a car to give him a ride. Little does he know I want my car to ride over him. HA HA HA As for a quick wedding in Vegas, forget it. I would rather starve and freeze to death then be with him. He is a yucky smelly dog. Anyway, I am still on my quest to hunt down birds and mice. Yesterday I posted a great picture. I hope you enjoyed it, I sure did. Well I have to find out about auto insurance online. I would call them but I don't think they understand Meow talk.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bird Money

Hello Fans

Today I went hunting. Guess what I caught? Yup I'm saving up. Bird money. I want to buy that car. A special kitty car to run over that retarded dog Suni. This is my first catch of the day. I figure it's worth a thousand bird dollars. No, No, I didn't eat it. I left it whole. May be if I catch some rats I can get a sports car model. By the way Suni chased me all over the yard this morning. I tried to scratch his eyes out, but that didn't work. I ran up a fence instead. How many birds and mice do I need to buy a pair of boots? Picture this a cat in boots, driving a car running over a poodle. (ha ha PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Kitty Car

Hello World

It's freezing cold out this morning. I keep seeing these cars drive by and I have decided I want to buy a car. Not just any car, but a special Kitty size car. I would invite my friends and we would cruise around the neighborhood. My first order of business would be to wait outside in my car for Suni the poodle. Then I would throw my car into gear and run that fluff bomb over. The owners would never know. I don't like that dog as you all know. My only problem is car insurance and the auto loan. My job as professional hunter does not pay cash. It does pay in dead mouse and bird bodies. I wonder if the banks would accept this as payment. ( Dream, Dream, Dream). Oh well it's back to stalking and freezing.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

heartburn ohhhhhhhhhh

hello world,

Today I have heartburn. It could be from eating those stray mice or catching some nasty bugs. ughhh, I don't like having heartburn. I wish that dog had it instead of me. Meow wow. Any way it is a cold November day and I had a rough night with Suni. He kept jumping on me. It was so annoying. Doesn't he know that cats do not like dogs! When will he get it? Everytime I see Suni my stomach turns. He is not a cool cat like me. I am beautiful. He is yucky and smelly. I think the owners should spray some perfume on him. As for current events in my life, I am spending the day outside in the cold to stay away from that dog. It is cold but peacful. Sometimes I wish I was human. I would dress up in those things called clothes and put on a nice pair of high heels. Then I would pick up Suni and kick him out of the house. (dream, dream, dream)

Monday, November 17, 2008

That Dog

Hello World

I can't stand that dog Suni the poodle. He follows me everywhere and tries to sniff my butt. I tried everything to get rid of him. I try hissing. I try scratching. I try growling. Nothing seems to stop him. It's like he has a crush on me or something. I wish someone would invent a dog spray to make him disappear. I included a picture to show you what I mean.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Life of Me

Hello World

Today was a cold November day. I enjoyed a canned meal outdoors freezing my paws off, while that dumb dog Suni enjoyed the warm house. I'm so jealous of that dog. He gets to lounge around all day on the couch. It makes my fur stand up. I would like to give him a good scratch right on his !@@@@@!@##$@#$@$#!!@!##$$$@!!. Bye for now, I see some birds to hunt.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Hi all

My day was simply fabulous, I ate some delicious fancy feast and ran outside to play with my neighborhood friends. It was wet and cold, but that did not stop me. The best part of my day was avoiding that scoundrel Suni the poodle. Yipeeeee

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hello world

Hi everyone, I have decided to start my own blog in retaliation to that retarded dog I live with (Suni the poodle). He is a mean dog that constantly tortures me.